Rebellious Bride Rina's Vidal Clayton Gown

Photography by The BlackTieProject
Vidal Clayton of The Cecilio Abad Design Team has ARRIVED. Don't you agree? Well Clayton puts oomph to the usual bridal beaded, sparkly gown--knowing all too well, that the new breed of brides also want some color and sass. So yes, in our books he has arrived. 

We applaud rebel brides like Rina who are willing to push the envelope in a fabulous way. After all, 'rebellious' doesn't always mean you need to wear a black gown or look like a goth bride. Sometimes, it's in the details.

I'm smitten and quite the fan. Lots of love for Clayton from the Rebellious Brides :)

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Follow us on Twitter! @RebelliousBride

1 comment:

  1. The fit was what I expected for a size 12. I am pretty curvy and this really shows off a larger butt well. I highly recommend this dress and this company.
