Golden Hour

I'll let you in on a secret. Personally the hardest part about blogging for me, is creating a title for a post. I dread it because I hate corny wedding blog titles and I want titles to be as simple as possible. I look at Jamie and Derrick's engagement set and I'm initially stumped. How do you create a Blog Title for something this intense?

Then I back track a little bit. What do I personally know about Jamie? I first met Jamie at one of our collaboration shoots. She's been one of our go-to photographers/stylists and we love her work, so much so that we constantly promote her in the blog. Then I go back to what I briefly know about Jamie and Derrick's love story and theirs is a story of perfect timing. 

The Golden Hour is a photography/cinematography term for the magical periods of the day when it's the best time to do a photo shoot. These periods are just after sunrise and just before sunset when the lighting is so much softer and breathtaking. I look at Jamie and Derrick's photos and I instantly see the golden hour in outstanding display. Not just from the technical side but in how it symbolizes their perfect timing. 

On a sidetone, let me just say that this was not the kind of engagement session that I would have expected from Jamie. Her work is usually on the pretty, whimsical, and feminine side--which we love. And we don't mean that as a snarky comment or anything. This was just unexpected and that's what makes this even more rebellious. Her engagement to Derrick clearly brought out a different side of her--as if she needed any more versatility!

Congratulations on your engagement guys!


HMUA by Rae Salazar & Mara Cruz
Wardrobe Styling by Miss Kayce / KC Mempin
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